Short-Term Prediction Method of Transient Temperature Field Variation for PMSM in Electric Drive Gearbox Using Spatial-Temporal Relational Graph Convolutional Thermal Neural Network

Short-Term Prediction Method of Transient Temperature Field Variation for PMSM in Electric Drive Gearbox Using Spatial-Temporal Relational Graph Convolutional Thermal Neural Network

Short-Term Prediction Method of Transient Temperature Field Variation for PMSM in Electric Drive Gearbox Using Spatial-Temporal Relational Graph Convolutional Thermal Neural Network
Short-Term Prediction Method of Transient Temperature Field Variation for PMSM in Electric Drive Gearbox Using Spatial-Temporal Relational Graph Convolutional Thermal Neural Network

Short-Term Non-Residential Load Forecasting Based on Multiple Sequences LSTM Recurrent Neural Network